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History & Articles
When I first joined the MLAGB after finishing National Service there was always a lack of ball moulds for the rifles that were available. Some could be obtained from America, but were very expensive.
As muzzle loading shooting became popular more moulds became available from various sources, but always there was a demand for unusual sizes. I developed a cutter system that could cope with this when I was working at Lesney’s Toy Factory. The moulds were made from brass attached blacksmith type tongs. These sold quite well for a few years, but were a pain to post because of the pointed tongs. Alan Poole, another engineer, suggested that I make the moulds to fit Lyman handles. First off this was resisted because it would use more brass. But a little thought soon showed it to be a good idea as it would do away with the tongs and the labour involved in making them. A few years later David Brigden made me a web site and business picked up. When I was made redundant from MK Electric at 62 it became obvious that with severance pay and the moulds plus the patches, that Chris and I could keep ticking over OK. We’ve now been making ball moulds for many years and have developed a wide range of products.
Jeff Tanner.
The business continues since Jeff passed away in October 2018, with James Tanner (Jeff’s son) now making the moulds. James has been working with Jeff and Chris (in the background) for the last 15 years and has been involved with making moulds throughout this period. We carry on, knowing how pleased Jeff was that the business was going to continue.
James Tanner.
Jeff Tanner – Obituary (PDF)
Jeff died in October 2018. Here is his obituary, written by David Brigden, that appeared in the Winter 2018 Black Powder magazine.
How to make your own Lead Dipper (PDF)
Here is a quick guide on how to make your own very cheap Lead Dipper, the same type that we used to sell (we now sell the the Lead Laddles instead). Have fun giving it a go.
Remington Revolver Rebuild (PDF)
This article appeared in Black Powder magazine Summer issue 2014 & gives you an idea of how to get the best from your Remington.
Tuning the 1858 Remington Repro to Win (PDF)
This article first appeared in Black Powder magazine Spring issue 2006.
Accurising the .577 Enfield (PDF)
This article first appeared in Black Powder magazine in 1993 and was reprinted in 2003.
New for Pistol ’79 (PDF)
This article first appeared in Target Gun’s Guide to Pistol ’85 in 1985.
Howard Markham – Obituary (PDF)
April 2014 Howard Markham passed away. Jeff put this obituary together in the memory of a great friend.